1- To become a post moderator, you will need to be an onAir member (and a member of the Hub your posts are located).
2- Send an email to the post’s curator listed in the “Discuss” section of the post and request permission to become the post’s moderator. You will then be able to moderate feedback and forums as well as add recent significant news items and content to the post.
3- To moderate a post, select “Moderate my posts” under the “Moderate ” button in the site header or go to a specific post they are co-authoring and select the pencil icon located at the top of the post sidebar above the table of contents
Post Discussions
1- We encourage civil and honest discourse without allowing for harassment or threats to personal safety. Any user or content that infringes on this goal will be removed from the platform.
Our takedown rules and guidelines will evolve as political discourse evolves. Our Curation Principles will undergo an annual review to ensure that they match the evolving nature of political discussion. All users will be fully notified of changes to the platform’s guidelines. Ad hoc reviews of rules and guidelines will also occur if ...
OnAir Post: How to moderate a post